Monday, November 10, 2008


It's been a long time and since I'm feeling so bad that all of you can't come to Silver Bella with me I've decided to give away 3 class kits here!! Post anytime between now and Sunday for a chance to win! We will randomly pick 3 numbers from the total number of posts. Please leave your e-mail address so we are able to contact you with at least a first name and last initial (or have a link to a blog where we can get a hold of you).

I will announce the winners next Monday (week from today) and will give you more info on the mid-month releases (which will include all of the new product individually).

To tide you over, here is a little project from Rita that she created with the large Bingo Cards (love this idea) and a layout from my gallery coming this month (okay- it may be my only one, but I did get something done)!!

P.S. - the gallery will be a little incomplete until I get back and have a chance to load everything (the Project Kit instructions are there however). Sorry for the delay! It is worth the wait. With the addition of Ranjini and Michelle there will be alot to see. The trip fell right in the middle of my "load" time!!
Pin It!


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Nancy L said...

I love Rita's project! I also can't wait to see what Ranjini and Michelle's projects are. Oh what oh what will you have for mid-month release?

Anonymous said...

I was so sad to miss you at CE this year! Cool giveaway!

Margo said...

oh wow.... I love your bingo cards and those Christmas ones are awesome... they look so cool how you did them up around the little christmas tree!!

Charlene Austin said...

Wow, a very generous prize. Thank you for the chance!

I am also super excited that I just got a card picked up for publishing in April 2009 CARDS issue (a die cut mini tag). Not that your products are new to publishing but it's new to me! Haha! LOVE your products so much!

Rachel Carlson said...

this kit is simply vintage bliss. cheers to you jenni and your new designers. hugs, rachel

JgWM said...

Silver Bella is a dream trip, I wish I could attend. I would love to win one of your prizes. So many goodies in one place. thanks- Gayle

cottagerca said...

Thank you for the chance to win!
ava g

Anonymous said...

Love your style Jenni. I don't have your talents, but I would definitely have fun playing with the items and making them mine.

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