Wednesday, September 26, 2012

This little piggy and a little rant . . .

Just sharing a few of my finds from the Flea Market this weekend - the items that are special enough that they make it up to my studio.  I loved the color of this vintage advertising glass piggy bank.  He will sit with me at my desk and keep me company.  Could you imagine smashing him??
I also brought home some new additions to my mourning pin and pinback collections.  The one with the gentleman is very unusual as it swivels and reveals a black onyx decorated backside.  The other was an old medal that someone added the photo to (so not a true mourning pin, but I can't resist little boy photos).
Off the subject of Flea Market Finds, I've been thinking alot about "passion" lately.  I was talking to Doris yesterday about Jaime Oliver and his Food Revolution and how much respect I have for him and what he is trying to do, particularly with school lunches.  I want to live my life that way - I want to be passionate about everything I do.  I feel like I was once.  I feel like everything I did with Mercantile and with JBS was driven by my passion.  That desire to share what's coming out of you creatively before you burst!
 (and that need to get it out there in the open because affirmation is an artists best fuel)
But then spreadsheets, bills, forecasts, and competition, creep in and you begin to scramble - trying to be everything to everyone and eventually you lose your way and don't even realize it.  You begin to say "yes" to everything and slowly you find yourself being pulled in too many directions, not feeling like your good at any one thing anymore.  Everyone gets a piece of you, but not all of you - not the passionate you.
So this summer I made a commitment to myself (and now publicly) that I'm going to only pursue those things that I can be passionate about and I'm going to begin to re-inject my passionate-self back into Mercantile - without worrying about what other's may be doing.  Afterall - I built Mercantile at a time when there were very few "clubs" to speak of and there was no "manual". 
So I have been back in my studio.  Cutting out some travel and learning to say no a bit.   I started this month with a round of Halloween projects and you will also find that I have designed the Mini Album Kit for October (yeah!) and will continue to do so 4 times a year.  We have more exclusives planned for next year as well as some other surprises and a change in the main kit price (but Membership Price will stay the same - so a bit more bang for your buck if your a member)!  You will be seeing more of a range of what I am loving now - mixed media, vintage re purposing, and creative record keeping that goes beyond a 12 x 12 page! 
One thing I have always been good at is surrounding myself with people who make me look good!  I have an awarding winning team of passionate, dedicated and loyal girls who do things I couldn't dream of each month with the kits and with JBS product.  I'm so thankful for each of them and very, very proud.
What a lucky girl I am! 

Pin It!


BethW said...

Amen. Your unique style is what makes you stand our from all the rest and why we all love you.

stephanie howell said...

I can't wait to see what this year holds for you. I have to tell you that working for you was a dream come true. You are kind,inspiring,big-hearted and faithful.Everyone around you sees that and that's why they love representing you. <3 xoxo

Dina said...

You are lovely, unique, kind, and oh-so-talented...and one of my favorite people on the planet! Can't wait to see what you do next.

Unknown said...

Oh so glad to see you will be doing some kits and exclusives. I miss seeing your work. I miss seeing your pages. It will be a fun year indeed!!!

Unknown said...

OH...and I absolutely LOVED all your Halloween projects! I have been having a blast putting together the little so doggone cute!!

Gloria L. said...

Just want you to know - I have, and always will, support you no matter what!

Natalie Elphinstone said...

Oh I absolutely agree. There's no point in doing things you're not passionate about, because there's not enough time to do all the things you ARE passionate about.. so just concentrate on those I say! And you will continue to do amazing things no doubt about it.

Andra Hepler said...

Follow your dreams!!
Smiles, Andra

leah said...

So excited about the things to come!! ^_^

lucysinspired said...

This is true for me, too!