Meet Scarlett . . . .JPG)
Isaiah 1:18 - Though your sins are like Scarlett, I will make them as white as snow.
She was named after Scarlett O'Hara in Gone With The Wind but Jared reminded me of this verse in the bible. So appropriate I thought.
He only agreed to the name so he could call her "Scar".
We already adore her (and have forgiven her for the two accidents on the only two rugs I have in this house full of hardwood)!
How could you not love a face like that?
Ohhhhhhhhhhhh, she is so cute!!! Love the name, nick name "scar", the verse, and the movie! She's so fluffy! We just had to put our pet rabbit down--that was hard. Maybe we will consider getting a new pet next time...puppy? Glad I don't have to house train right now.
She is beautiful! I bet the boys are so excited. What breed is she? I love the dark contrast on her ears.
oh my goodness
what a cutie!
& i love her name...gone with the wind or biblical!
Our dog is Scarlet too! But she was given her moniker in honor of the Ohio State Buckeyes colors... Scarlet Ann Gray. My husband is a little obsessed. HAHA
She is indeed a cutie! Looks like a lovable little rascal!
Oh, my what a wonderful addition to your family! My husband & I met through our dogs @ a doggie daycare, so I am a big dog advocate. We now have a blended family of 4 dogs . . . we also have hardwoods & 3 rugs total & we purchased the Spot Bot. It is by Bissell & does a great job, so worth the money! Best wishes & puppy kisses ~
sooooo adorable...I don't think there's anything cuter than a new little puppy!!
OMG or the fuzzy wuzzy fur!1
what a supersweet puppy! looks so cosy. best wishes and a big dog hug! ;0)
she is sooooooooo gorgeous!!!!!!
what a cutie and named after my favourite ever film character :)
Hi Jenni - Love the photos of Scarlett! I was thinking of you as I was driving back from Inspired, wondering if you had picked up your puppy. It was great meeting you at Inspired ... I enjoyed taking the mini workshop with you and I *loved* shopping your booth!
OMGoodness! I cannot believe my eyes.... my name is Scarlett O'Hara and my mom obviously LOVED Gone With the Wind, but what's even more ironic is all my guy friends throughout high school and college called me Scar! How crazy is that!!? They wanted me to get a tattoo of the Scar from Lion King, but thankfully I had better sense about myself! LOL! I am so glad to know I have such a cute furry name twin out there!
I love your new puppy "Scarlett!" What a beautiful dog! I just want to say hi, I met you briefly at "Inspired." Susie Gillmore and I became friends (we are both from California) and she knows you...I had such a great time at that event. Next time, I will take one of your great classes! I was so glad to see you highlighted on "Where Women Create." Take Care. Love, Kim
Scarlett is a beauty already!
Is she a Great Pyrenees?
We have a 3 year old named Sally that we got as a rescue. She is the most gentle, loving sweetheart.
Enjoy and take lots of pictures.
Oh wow, that is a Great Pyranees! We have had two beautiful female Pyraness. The first, Kalla, lived 9 years with us and the second,
Shelby, lived 11 years. I love that breed, such loyal and faithful dogs. My son was only 14 months old when Shelby died and he is now scared of dogs and it breaks my heart. Somebody I will get another bright white fluffy pyr. your dog looks so much like Shelby
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