Some mid-month releases. . .
Just for blog readers! You get the inside scoop always, on things that never make it to our newsletter!!
Now available, a Playtime Vintage Crafting Kit, full of bright vintage goodness, just in time to celebrate the newest Jenni Bowlin Studio release for May called "Play Date"!! Sneak Peeks of that next week. . .
A Mother's Day Vintage Crafting Kit, perfect for a special project for that special mom. . .
And. . .I decided to put a few of the Mother's Day Box Book Kits for sale that will be taught at Vintagefest next week (although the cover is changed a bit - Vintagefest attendees will have a choice of covers). . .
And finally, I have re-stocked the Vintage Glove Molds. I was able to get a few more but my supplier has told me this is it from the factory. They make great jewelry holders or maybe just a fun inspirational display.

I'm trying to keep my head above water over here! It's one thing to move a home, but to move a business and a home at the same time, well. . . that's just plain crazy (but were about to do it)!
And remember, tomorrow is the last day to sign up for the full weekend Vintagefest event. Only one week away!!!
Happy Thursday!
Godmorning, Sweden here....
I must tell you, that I love your virtual & image blog!! Amazing mix of pic's & so much inspiration!
Regards from Agneta
Best of luck during the BIG move. Wish i lived close enough to help! Thx for selling kits. Vintage Fest is on my bucket list, but not in the stars for this yr. Sadness.. :(
good luck with your move! those glove molds are so neat!
play time crafting kit looks so tempting >.> but am totally broke now since the guy wanted to go diving :s
wish i could come to your vintagefest...the photos looked so amazing!
good luck with the move...too bad we can't all just come help for a day to make things go faster! :D
Love checking in and reading your blog. *drool*
I *so* identify with your moving home and office comment! I've spent the last 10 days packing, unpacking, cleaning empty houses, hiding from client enquiries and trying to find order in chaos! I've just done the same - home and office. And dh works (and lives Mon-Fri) in another state - 3hrs away!
Now I need a holiday!! (but work and clients beckon)
Some scrapping and inspiration from your blog will have to suffice!
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