The Winter Woods. . .
Peeks of all of the new kits coming tomorrow afternoon (including the FABULOUS Vintage Christmas Papercrafting Box)! I will let you know about re-stocks as well. So, check in tomorrow afternoon and then plan on checking everything out tomorrow night at 12:00 midnight central!
I have been busy decorating too- I will post some pictures this weekend!
***Thanks for the post on the misspelled title! I was trying to spell December backwards and missed the M!! Uggh ***
Beautiful Jenni.. I love it!! Can't wait to get my hands on the new kit!
oooh aaaah, everything looks so pretty!!!
Hate to be a party pooper, but I think the card misspelled December. :->
omg!!! i say that each time I know. I can't wait to see whats in store for December. I just finished making all my little vintage holiday kits and they are so pretty!!
It's looking like a beautiful kit this month!
thank you, thank you, thank you, for not making the kit Christmas only ... us non-celebraters appreciate it!!
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