Monday, April 30, 2007

May kits for sale- tonight at 12:00am central time!!

You have seen peeks of the May kit, but here are some shots of the other goodies available this month! The project kit was really inspired by some wonderful banners I have seen Pam Garrison make with vintage wallpaper and other goodies. I fell in love with the Anna Griffin paper at show and knew it would be perfect for this project. You will see some close ups at the site tonight. It includes some INCREDIBLE glitter from Art Institute called "Fossil" that I used to give detail to the butterflies.

Here is a peak at the Add-On kit. It includes 2 new JBS chipboard shapes - Butterflies!! Also some great German Scrap - a full sheet, with birdies, crowns, and bees!

This kit can be found under "Limited Edition Kits". Also found in that category this month is a special project in honor of National Scrapbook Day. I sweet collage celebrating the person behind the hobby- YOU!

Also available this month - all of the new JBS rub-ons, 6 styles in black and in antique cream. All three Felt Shape Sets and the two Scalloped Notecard Sets. You will find these under JBS products.
And a reminder- if you are unsure if you have a membership set up already, please log into your account. It will show this information to you there.
I'm off to get all of the images loaded and ready to go! Have a great night-
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Friday, April 27, 2007

And the winners are. . .

Nicole Boyles

Sara Garza

Robin Stedem

We did a "musical mouse" game to pick them instead of numbers. Noah turned around, I rolled the mouse, and he told me when to stop! Please send us a note at ladies with your address and the stamps will be on the way! I need to do this more often as I so enjoyed reading all of the posts!
And. . . here is a peek at the new paper line for the May kit called "Spring Picnic":

Thanks for the hints on adding more photos to the blog. I am so impatient!!

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Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Weekend Re-Cap, A Great Cause, A Preview and A Giveaway!!!

God blessed us with a BEAUTIFUL weekend here. Sunny skies and 70+ degrees for 3 days. After the yard sale on Saturday, we headed out to a friend's house with stocked ponds so the boys could fish. Here is the one catch of the day (yes, the "1" catch). . .

On Sunday we drove 2 hours East to Fall Creek Falls with the Mannella's. Again - it was beautiful and we had a great time (all of us trying to keep up with Jared. It was nice to have some company on the back of the trail). Here is a photo I snapped of Rich and his and Ruth's eldest. A little blurry but I still thought it was sweet:

And. . . for those of you waiting for a May preview here is a little one:

This is the new JBS rubber stamp in the May kit!!! You know I have to incorporate journaling somehow so I took my favorite bird image from the new rub-ons and added the banner. I'm so excited to play with this one!

I also wanted to tell you about a local event going on this coming weekend in the Carthage area. I was looking for an opportunity to donate tons of great product I had been given over the year for book projects, etc. I connected with Jane at my yard sale and found out she was putting on a "Crop and Shop for a Cause" to benefit Habitat for Humanity (one of my very favorite charities). So, she is coming by today to pick up two large boxes from me of brand new products (companies have been so generous to me, but even over the course of a year, I can't use everything!!! AND, many times I buy it because I'm impatient and then find it in the mail the next day!! ). It is at the Carthage United Methodist Church this Fri. April 27 and Sat. April 28. You can contact Jane at for more info.

And, because I am in a generous mood, I have 3 boxes of several new or gently used rubber stamps going to random posts here. I will check the blog on Friday morn. and have Noah help me choose three winners. So post away!! (I would add a photo here but apparently blogger only lets you post 3 pics in one post)!

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Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Yard Sale Queens

That is me and Ruth. And we are last minute girls. Both of us get so tired of the clutter that we can't handle it anymore and we MUST purge today, you know?

So. . . Ruth and I are having a Yard Sale on Friday and Saturday (April 20th and 21st). 8:00 on. Tons of new scrapbook stuff and display stuff (from me- not Ruth. Still haven't gotten her to do a page)!

If you are local and want directions just send Ruth a note at

Now back to the attic. . .

(and P.S. - for my stores, the wholesale newsletter should go out tonight and new items should be available by Friday. You can sign up for this newsletter if you are a store by using the link that says "retailers" on the bottom of the home page at the site)!!
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Sunday, April 15, 2007

A few more kits found and a quick preview!

I swear at least once a day I come up with something profound to blog about it. I really do. Do any of you do that out there? I always have good intentions and big ideas but I never seem to find the time. I really would like to use this for more than just a "newsletter" but time has not been on my side lately. . .

So. . .on to the "news"!

Tomorrow at 8:00pm central time I will put the Papercrafting Kits for April back up for sale. I had a few materialize after we finalized billing.

And, here is a little preview of whats to come! This is one of 6 of the new rub-ons styles from JBS (each style is also available in antique cream). There will be one in each kit next month (this style will be in the Add-On kit) and they will also be available for sale at the site beginning in May. Wholesale information will go out on them this week if you are a store on that list.

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Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Just in case you missed it. . .

Here is the layout I had in the April newsletter made with this month's kit and the Add-On kit. This is my favorite picture of my mother as a little girl:

I will most likely have a few more of this month's Papercrafting Kit once I get through this next week and some final billing. I will post here if I do and will give a day and time when I will put them back up for sale. I went ahead and put a few more of the Project Kits from this month back for sale at the site. There are also still a few more of these add-on kits.

The gallery will be up by the end of the day on Thursday as usual. My guest designer this month is the wonderful Cathy Blackstone. Don't you think this kit has her written all over it??

I will share some hints on the May kit soon but it is 95% new JBS product!!! Can you believe that! Paper, rub-ons, journaling cards, chipboard, scalloped notecards, flower felt and a new rubber stamp! The new collection is called "Spring Picnic". Think pinks, blues and deep red.

Look for a little green coming this summer to JBS too!

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Wednesday, April 04, 2007

New Music
When I am anticipating alot of time in front of the computer I usually make a run to Best Buy for new music! I have to get the wholesale site images loaded tonight and tomorrow (lots of photoshop sizing) so I made a quick run yesterday. I was motivated also in part because the new Alison Krause CD was released yesterday and I new I had to have that. There are some songs previously released (mostly from the Cold Mountain soundtrack which I also have), but I believe there are 5 new ones. This one is worth every penny. I also picked up Robin Thicke (I can't explain his sound - but you will grove to this!) and Paolo Nutini. I picked up Ben Harper's newest from late last year as well, but haven't put it in yet. This is the first time I have bought a round of CD's in a long time where I enjoyed every track.
Maroon 5's new one comes out on the 17th and I am pumped about that! I always say I just like good music, not matter the genre. You can look at my playlist and tell that for sure.
So there's my reviews for now. I'm avoiding photoshop but I must get back at it! I just ran to Cold Stone Creamery for a little double dark chocolate with almonds to get me through the night. So much for the bathing suit this year. Maybe I'll get one of those with the little skirts!
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